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WordPress Duplicate Page With One Click Instructions (2000 × 700 px)

WordPress Duplicate Page With One Click: Instructions

The most frequent query regarding How To Duplicate a Page in WordPress is this one. If you use WordPress, you will inevitably need to replicate pages and articles from time to time. Additionally, you won’t know how to accomplish it. Copying text by hand is a time waster.

You are reading this article because you want to quickly and easily create WordPress duplicate pages for your posts. Because occasionally you have to make a backup of your page before editing it. Or perhaps you already have a landing page that is really effective and would like to reproduce it with a few minor adjustments. You could have various motives. You will in reality need it frequently and wish to save time. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to manually use posts and pages in WordPress along with a few well-liked, free plugins, all without the usage of plugins. Your preference!

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Table of Contents

WordPress duplicate page and post: Instructions for duplicating WordPress content

It is advisable to download and install duplicate posts if something you see is another entire plugin. One of the first plugins for building WordPress content is called Duplicate Post Plugin (over eight years old). With over 2 million active installs, it has been translated into 32 languages. WordPress duplicate page with others selling it as a premium version, along with a duplicate article that you keep for free. You can get it by clicking this link: Download Duplicate Post Plugin from the WordPress repository.

Install the plugin and activate it to begin going. It’s best to customize it before using it. There are many possibilities there that I’m sure you’ll find appealing. Go to Duplicate Post under Settings. What to copy, permissions, and see are the three settings tabs.


Begin with "what to copy." You will use this section to filter the content of the element you wish to copy:

To copy page or post elements: Choose which parts of the original post you wish to replicate in your new one: Date, Title, Squeeze, Slug…

Title Preface: If you enter something here, it will be displayed before the title of your copied content.

Title suffix: If you enter text here, it will follow the title of your copied item.

Upload menu order to: To a menu order, add pertinent numbers. Leave it blank if you need to transmit it as a fault.

Do not copy these fields: For each custom field, you want to exclude from the copy, start with the name and separate the characters with commas.

Do not copy duplicates: To prevent duplication, choose the duplicate box.

Once you’ve customized everything, click “Save Changes” and go to the next tab: Permissions. Here you have to create two things: which user roles will be able to copy pages and posts in WordPress and what kind of content the clone function will be available in (pages, posts, or both).

When you make your desired changes, click “Save Changes” and go to the third and final tab: Imagine.


WordPress control panel

Here, marking the WordPress control panel locations where you want the content to be presented to duplicate instant links might be helpful.

Click “Save Changes” one more to complete. Duplicate posts are now available for use. Although you can see that it has a lot more setting choices than a duplicate page and post, working with it is just as comfortable.

You must navigate to Posts > All Jobs and hover your cursor over the place you want to copy in WordPress. You’ll see that the “Clone” and “New Draft” options are the respective names of the two choices.

Take care! The plugin will automatically duplicate this post’s whole content and publish it after you click “Clone.” Therefore, it is advisable to click “New Draft” if all you want to do is make a duplicate of the entry’s contents without publishing it just yet. Additionally, it will duplicate the entirety of this publication’s content, but it will do so with the status “draft”, not “published”.

You only need to go to Pages>All Pages and hover over the page you want to copy in order to duplicate a page in WordPress with a duplicate post. The process is the same as for inputs, as you can see. After you click “Clone,” the carrier will immediately display. The page you want to copy will be draught when you select “New Draft.”

Ready! The replica post is complete and simple to utilize, as you can see.


WordPress duplicate page: How to quickly duplicate posts and pages in WordPress

Duplicate Page is the plugin to utilize if what you want is straightforward and user-friendly. With the help of the Duplicate Page plugin, you may clone duplicate WordPress pages, posts, and custom posts. Depending on how you generate it before you begin working with it, copied content can be saved as draft, private, public, or pending.

The WordPress duplicate page plugin is available for free download from the official WordPress website, but the premium version offers more layout options, access to plugin filtering functions by user type, activation of plugins for various types of content, and redirects after cloning, among other improvements. The free version is significantly more robust even though all you really need to do is modify your WordPress content and create backup copies of your pages and posts. Is.

Installing and activating the plugin requires that you first log into your WordPress administration panel. Consider looking at the duplicate page setup choices before you start practicing it. Select “Settings” > “Duplicate Page”


You must create a duplicate page that meets your requirements.

Duplicate Post Status:  This material needs to have a status when the plugin duplicates pages or posts. WordPress entries and pages can be in one of four states: Draft, Pending, Public, or Private. Its status is “Draft” by default, which is, in my opinion, the most suitable setting, and I advise you to leave it as is.

Where to redirect after duplicating:  You may appear in the list of pages or posts (as appropriate) or in the post or page editing panel that you desire when the plugin duplicates the content. only copied. It is up to you.

Duplicate post suffix:  When the plugin replicates content, it modifies the post’s or page’s name by appending a suffix. The title will be followed by this name.

Once you have everything you need, simply click the “Save” button to finish. The replica page is now ready for use.

If you want to duplicate a page in WordPress, navigate to Pages > All Pages and click and hold the desired page. You can see that there is a choice for “Duplicate.”


Whew! Click the icon to start. You already have a replica of your page.

When you hover your mouse over a post or entry you want to copy in WordPress, navigate to Posts > All Posts. The option to “Duplicate” (as before) will now be visible, as you can see. Pages and newspapers both use the same strategy.

For cloning pages and articles in WordPress, slice or edit
If you prefer to build unique WordPress functionality and don’t enjoy installing lots of plugins. So! I’ll demonstrate a modification or component that enables you to duplicate WordPress posts and pages. Gives.

Since this is a relatively “large” item, I’ll show you a portion of what it accomplishes. You must copy and paste it in the manner I’m demonstrating.

The first recommendation in this article is to give posts and pages a new option or button. However, only people who are logged into your WordPress will be able to see these buttons. They are the only ones with access to edit them. Those are people on your blog to who you have given permission to alter articles and pages.

You must copy, paste, and test it at this point. You can change what you think, and you can ask me questions in the comments section.

Not all accommodations are available on our blog; some are. Please get in touch with us immediately if you’d like to use our WordPress development service to complete this task quickly and without any hassle. You should visit the following page to learn more about WordPress Websites and how WordPress functions.


Popular Questions People Ask

How do I copy an Elementor page to another website?

As Elementor pro becomes more and more popular, I imagine that more people may wonder how to clone their website page on Elementor pro. If you can check, approximately 70% of WordPress users currently favor using Elementor Pro to create their websites. And the reason is that they are more impressed with its straightforward interface and drag-and-drop capabilities. Therefore, I advise every WordPress user to go to the Elementor website. Check out the video that will walk you through everything in detail.

How to copy a page from a WordPress site to another?

The danger of moving a post or page to another website is due to the possibility of duplicate content. Therefore, the straightforward approach is to duplicate and send table rows from one database to another. By the way, you can export the data from your existing website to another website using WordPress Importer and an XML file. You can move posts, pages, and other customized material with its help.



As you can see, WordPress makes it simple to clone pages and articles. Installing plugins is preferable or not depending on how you intend to use this function. You do not need to instal the plugin if you are the only webmaster of your page and merely want to temporarily duplicate the content. When you are done with a function, remark on it.

On the other hand, a lot of insignificant individuals are WordPress gurus or novices. Install a duplicate post or WordPress copy page if you think you’ll use this feature frequently.


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